2018 BIG Idea Competition




\r\n Business Is Great!


\r\n2018 marks another exciting year for the BIG Idea Competition.  Here's an update on what we've been working on.\r\nNEW this year is another industry prize category for students to enter their qualified business.  Midwest Ag Supply is sponsoring a Food Animal Agriculture category. Food Animal Agriculture is defined as agricultural processes related to beef, dairy, sheep, goat, swine and poultry. There will be $500 prize for the category winner in addition to the existing Wellness category prize and Marketing Design prize. \r\n
Additional Updates for 2018 \r\n\r\n
  • Addition of career clusters.  As part of their application, students will choose the career cluster related to their idea. 
  • Updated website with simplified navigation.
  • New location, on NSU's campus, for the BIG Idea Final Event.
  • Expanded mentor program for finalists. 
  • Partner In Business Award (for teachers) to encourage network building.

TIMELINE\r\nCompetition Opens:  September 1, 2018\r\nSubmission Deadline:  October 31, 2018\r\nFinalists Notified: Mid-November\r\nFinal Competition & Awards: December 5, 2018 in Aberdeen\r\n
PRIZES\r\n1st Place $1000 Cash, $1000 Presentation College Scholarship\r\n& $1000 Northern State University Scholarship\r\n2nd Place $500 Cash, $500 Presentation College Scholarship \r\n& $500 Northern State University Scholarship\r\n3rd Place - $250 Cash\r\nMarketing Design Winner- $500 Cash\r\n$500 Cash\r\nFood Animal Agriculture  Category Winner-  \r\n \r\n$500 Cash \r\n NEW!\r\n\r\n\r\n Makerspace Consultation Prize (open to all schools)\r\n